Wednesday, February 1, 2012

detox - day 11

I woke up at 9:00am, packed up my supplements and kamut water, then headed out to my colonic. Today's appointment was a bit easier than yesterday's and my release was quite impressive - and this was after 2 normal BM's before my appointment! I was told by my specialist, "You are the poster child for colonics." After each colonic, I have felt lighter and more energetic. If you have never attempted hydrotherapy, I highly recommend it! Of course this is not something I will be doing all the time. I am just doing a series of 8 in conjunction with this detox. In the future, I plan to do a series of colonics at least once a year.

In terms of symptoms, I had a slight runny nose after taking my supplements and felt very dehydrated.

Following my appointment, I walked over to Karyn's Fresh Corner and had a shot of wheatgrass. I then took my supplements and ate a clementine. Next, I headed over to DM for class - it felt great!

After my class, I ate one of my chia moon drops and then stopped by the juice bar down the street to pick up a 12 ounce green juice (kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, green apple & lemon). Then I ran a few errands and headed to the academy to teach. While teaching I ate 1 more chia moon drop and started sipping on my kamut water.

When I got home I was quite hungry, so I made my green meal shake (this was approximately 4 hours after drinking my green juice). Before guzzling down my shake, I drank 4 ounces of spirulina and took the rest of my supplements. I only had a bit of a runny nose after taking my supplements today. Yeah!

About 2 hours later I ate my energy soup with the portobello mushroom I had marinated earlier that evening. And a half hour after that, I ate the other half of my Hail Merry's Lemon Tart.

Two hours later I was hungry again, so I ate some of my raw sprouted cereal with fresh almond milk. It hit the spot!

Just before bed I made my psyllium-detox clay cocktail - I have to admit that I will be very glad when I'm done drinking this stuff!

"The Rolls Royce of colon cleansing is without question - Colonic Hydrotherapy."



  1. That's some hardcore detox. I need these reminders that I HAVE to get started on some significant diet changes. So far, I've managed to up my liquid intake and eat more greens. A bit feeble, but a step in the right direction?

  2. Definitely a step in the right direction! It took a 5 day juice fast that I did about 7 months ago to get the ball rolling for me. What's most important is that it is the right time for you. Let me know if I can be of any help. :)
