Wednesday, February 1, 2012

detox - day 13

Today I woke up at 8:30am and am happy to report that I slept much better than the previous night. After waking, I headed upstairs and drank 4 ounces of spirulina and took my supplements. Then I harvested my first shot of wheatgrass, which had a very nice flavor!

For breakfast I ate some raw cereal with almond milk and fresh blueberries on top. I then packed up my my juice and food for the long day ahead.

As I coached chamber music, I sipped my 16 ounce green juice (kale, celery, green apple, ginger & lemon) that Andrew I made the night before.

After teaching I was off to a chamber orchestra rehearsal with Andrew, where I sipped some oxykare water. In the break between my rehearsal and concert, I ate my energy soup. Andrew and I then played our concert, which featured arias from 3 different Schubert Operas along with Schubert's 5th Symphony.

Once the concert was over, Andrew and I packed up our instruments and headed to Whole Foods to pick up some produce.

When we came home I was pretty hungry, but I could not eat as I needed to do my enema on an empty stomach. So for the next hour, I administered my enema with fenugreek water and finished with a chlorella implant. If you've never done an enema, it is a very simple and painless process.

After the enema, I took my supplements and then ate my homemade pesto with raw sweet potato chips.

About an hour later I was still a bit hungry, so I ate a few tablespoons of peanut butter. Then I drank some kamut water and made a green energy shake.

In terms of symptoms, I felt dehydrated most of the day and my legs felt quite itchy. My BM was normal, though.

Just before bed I drank my psyllium-detox clay cocktail before.

“The Greeks wrote of the fabled cleanliness of the Egyptians, which included the internal cleansing of their systems through emetics and enemas. They employed these on three consecutive days every month said Herodotus (II.77) or at intervals of three or four days, according to the later historian Diodorus. The Egyptians explained to their visitors that they did this because they believed that diseases were engendered by superfluities of the food...Enemas were known in ancient Sumeria, Babylonia, India, Greece and China. American Indians independently invented it, using a syringe made of an animal bladder and a hollow leg bone. Pre-Columbian South Americans fashioned latex into the first rubber enema bags and tubes. In fact, there is hardly a region of the world where people did not discover or adapt the enema. It is more ubiquitous than the wheel. Enemas are found in world literature from Aristophanes to Shakespeare, Gulliver Travels to Peyton Place."

~an excerpt from "Coffee: The Royal Flush" by Ralph Moss

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